Frequently Asked Questions


What is a CastleBranch (myCB) Account?

The myCB account is the online account where students will complete and their program specific health and safety requirements.

When and how do I sign-up for my myCB account?

New students will receive an e-mail with instructions to create an account and includes the code(s) needed to place an order.  Codes are specific to your academic program. The deadline is included in the instructions and are defined by the term the student is new to the program. Students will be directed to visit the CastleBranch website to enter the package code(s) in the “Place Order” field.

How often should I check my Clarkson College e-mail account?

E-mail is the primary means of communication at the College and is used by faculty, staff and students. You should plan to check your Clarkson College e-mail account DAILY! We recommend that students do not forward their Clarkson College e-mail address to another account. Once your e-mail leaves the Clarkson College domain, we cannot control who has access to it.

How do I upload my documentation?

To upload documents, there are several options:
Uploading Documents Instructions

  • Scan (best method) and save to your document storage of choice (My Documents, OneDrive).
  • Take a picture using a smart device to directly submit your documents. If using a smart device, the picture would need to be saved to the document storage of choice to be accessible to be retrieved for the upload process.
  • Fax: A coversheet can be downloaded to fax in an item from your myCB account. NOT RECOMMENDED.
  • Mail: A coversheet can be downloaded to include with items mailed from a myCB account. NOT RECOMMENDED.

When taking a photo, be sure to not crop out information on the documentation. Student needs to take a photo of the full document (i.e., the full 8 1/2 x 11 paper) and check to see if the image is clear before accepting the photo. Next, it will prompt you to either "use the photo" or "retake photo". If you select use, it will attach the image and then prompt you to SUBMIT. When clicking on SUBMIT this is sending the attachment(s)-the upload. If you need to take a photo of the front and back of a document, you will repeat the photo taking steps to add both attachments before clicking on SUBMIT. Once the SUBMIT button is selected it is sent to Review.

File size limit is 5MB.

How do I view the status of myCB account?

  • Open your account.
  • Click on Document Center.
  • Click on My Documents.
  • Click on Clinical Requirements.
  • Click on the file named "Results."
  • Click on Download to open the file.
  • Once opened, the "To-Do-List Summary Report" will appear. This report will show all status details of your requirements in your account.

Sample Report & Screenshots

Why did I receive an error during the upload process in myCB account?

The most likely reason for errors during the upload process are due to the size of the documentation. There is a 5 MB size limit. Images (photos) or documents with images can make files too big and over this limit. You may try resaving the document with a new name and then reupload it. If this does not correct the issue, please contact Clinical Compliance.

What is onboarding?

Agency specific requirement (s), may include but not limited to: Orientation Checklist, EPIC training, state specific background check or date/panel specific drug testing, etc.

Which of my requirements need renewal, and if so when?

Examples below, renewals will be shown in individual user account.
  • BLS/ACLS/PALS Certification: every two years
  • Tetanus Shot: every 10 years
  • Licensure: active licensure as required by state of issuance (varies)
  • TB Skin Test, Health Insurance, Clinical FERPA Release, HIPPA, Bloodborne Pathogen & Flu Shot: once per year

Is there a scanner/FAX available on campus for student use?

Yes, the copy machines on campus are able to scan and fax.

Is there a special form to take to my doctor for the physical exam?

Yes, it can be downloaded from the student’s myCB account.

What do I do if I have trouble meeting Health and Safety deadlines?

Contact your program director/clinical coordinator to discuss other options.

When are the requirements due?

The Initial term is the term the student begins the program and establishes a myCB account. The deadlines/requirements are set for each term with the following dates:

  • Spring - January 30
  • Summer - May 30
  • Fall - September 30

Initial and renewal: requirements are due NO LATER THAN the “Due Date” that is shown in the student's myCB account.

Undergraduate Nursing Procedure (Blocking Process):

  • Health and Safety Items are due by Noon the business day PRIOR to CastleBranch’s stated due date.
  • Rechecks of non-compliant students will ONLY occur at Noon the next business day. Any students compliant will be unblocked and allowed to return to clinical at that time.
  • Students missing clinical due to noncompliance will result in unexcused absence (please refer to the absence policy). No make-up assignments or clinical will be allowed.
  • Students will meet with faculty to establish a clinical contract to outline expectations.

Other date exceptions: Flu shots and the Clinical FERPA Release are due annually by November 30th.

Students are responsible for checking their account to make sure it is complete and that the items uploaded have been approved. (See Status Report)

How will I receive alert notifications for my myCB account?

CastleBranch begins sending email reminders 60 days prior to the expiration or due date of a requirement, again at 30 days. On or about 21 days prior, the prompt will open to add new documentation. Email reminders will continue weekly and you will see a requirement listed as “Incomplete”. This is an item that has a future due date. 

How do I change my name?

  1. For Clarkson College, you will need to complete the Name Change Request Form.
  2. For name changes in the MyCB account, please contact CastleBranch at 1-888-666-7788.

Who will have access to your myCB Account and order results?

School administrators have a unique secure portal that allows authorized users to view a list of their students and/or faculty, view To-Do List progress, get status updates, and view final results. The school administrators do not have direct access to your account.

What happens to my documentation in myCB when I am no longer enrolled in my program (leave the College or graduate)?

The school administrator will archive the program clinical requirement tracker and stop email notifications to the student to maintain compliance. The student should change their email to their personal email. The documentation that a student uploaded will remain in the My Documents section of the account for any future use.

Who are my Program Clinical Coordinator Contacts?

Please contact the Clinical Compliance Office for any other questions.

Sharon Mantz & May-Lissa Valentin
Clinical Compliance
[email protected]