Banner Art Contest

Showcase your Clarkson College spirit and artistic abilities during the College-wide Spirit Week art contest. Participants will create a unique Clarkson College banner representing our history and Values and have the opportunity to win free prizes.

All entries will be displayed on campus during Spirit Week Sept. 23-27.

On-Campus Participants Details

On-campus participants may pick up a banner kit from the front desk (first floor of the main building), beginning August 22nd. The kit will include a canvas banner as well as a small selection of fabric markers. Participants may use additional supplies to create their banner at their own expense (stencils, markers, paint, stickers, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, or other craft supplies)  We want these banners to be as homemade as possible, so please refrain from utilizing die cut machines (like Cricuts).

Participants have until Friday, Sept. 20th at 12 p.m. to create their banner and return it to the front desk (first floor of the main building), Natalie Eilers (First floor of the main building), or Sally Stimson (fourth floor of the main building). Banners must include the Maltese Cross.

Online Participants Details

Online participants can create their banner using an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper and any drawing or painting supplies they would like. Drawings must include the Maltese Cross.

Take a photo of your banner and submit it using the form below by Sept. 20th at 12 p.m. CST.

Contest Voting

All submitted banners will be including in the voting, which will be sent out via Survey Monkey. The College community will vote on their favorite drawing by liking its image. Images in each category (student, employee and online) with the most likes by Friday, Sept. 27th at 12 p.m. CST will be the winners. Winners will receive a gift card prize, provided by the Clarkson College Alumni Association.